Our technical support does not cover PHP script debugging. This is considered to be advanced web design/programming.
We will make sure that PHP is enabled for your site, but tech support does not debug, install or develop PHP scripts for our customers. If we did we would need to charge an hourly rate for web development/programming. The same is true for the troubleshooting of html, CGI, javascript, and so on.
Here are a few things to try when you are troubleshooting a PHP script:
First of all, thoroughly read through the instructions that came with the script and also check the website where the script was downloaded for troubleshooting info and user forums.
Check to see if the script was uploaded to the server in the proper format (ASCII not binary).
Verify that all the paths are correct, including your public directory path. Do not use the "www" part of your domain in your public directory path.
Check to see if all the file permissions are set correctly if permissions are even required by your script. Permissions can be set using an FTP program that allows permissions to be set on transfer.
How to register a name: Enter your choice in the search tool and click 'GO'. If after the check the domain names search results show your choice is available, you will then have the option to proceed to purchase registration; which is a very quick and easy process - start a search and find your ideal website address now.