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Choosing Domain Names - Common Mistakes

A domain name can play an important role in your business's online success. Here's some common mistakes to avoid when registering your website address - it's a good idea to familiarise yourself with these issues before starting your domain name search.

The use of 'slurls'

A slurl is a blending of the words "slur" and "URL" (well, a word and an acronym - Uniform Resource Locator). A slurl is a domain compromising of multiple words that when combined, can form other word combinations meaning something entirely different to what the registrant intended - and sometimes with embarrassing results. Learn more about slurls.

Long domain names

Lengthy domains can be hard to remember and are certainly more difficult to type; particularly on a mobile device. They can also play havoc with promotional activities. Learn more about ideal domain name length.

Alpha-numeric names

Think about the leading online brands you know of - how many have a mixture of letters and numbers in their web site address? Probably very few, if any. While there can be some circumstances where numbers can be used - such as in very short domains - it's best to keep your choice purely alphabetical. Learn more about using numbers in domain names.

Confusing letter sequence

When choosing multi-word website names, try to avoid combinations where the last letter of the first word is the same as the first letter of the second word - it's a little harder to determine where the first word ends and the second word begins - and you want to minimise any mental gymnastics.

Incorrectly spelled web site addresses.

It happens - in the rush to register a name, a spelling mistake can be made - which can result in the headache of attempting  to cancel the domain (which may be unsuccessful) and then trying to register the correct spelling (if it hasn't already been taken). Take care in your domain name search and check the spelling before finalising registration.

Difficult to spell or relay

Could the average person spell your domain name without seeing it written down first? It's best to check. Another check is whether the domain is easy to communicate verbally - run it by a few people before registering it. If they say "huh?", chances are you should probably keep looking for another available address. A complex domain name may also be difficult to search for.

Trademark conflicts

Sometimes registrants forget to check for any potential conflicts with existing business names and trademarks. This may not only lead to confusion among customers; it could also result in a stressful and possibly costly trademark related dispute where you might not only lose the website address, but some cash as well. It's really important to carry out a trademark search before registering a name.


While the generic TLD's such as .com, .net and .org can be registered by anyone, anywhere; Australian domain names have eligibility requirements. If you are ineligible and register the name, you may need to forfeit it. This could be a particularly financially damaging situation if you've spent a good deal of time and money in building and promoting your web site.

Selecting the best website address to register is a very important task that should be given the appropriate time and consideration. Learn more about choosing domain names; or if you're ready to go, start your search.

Available Domain Name Search & Register


How to register a name: Enter your choice in the search tool and click 'GO'. If after the check the domain names search results show your choice is available, you will then have the option to proceed to purchase registration; which is a very quick and easy process - start a search and find your ideal website address now.