Use our WhoIS search to find out the details of existing registered domains (.au, .com, .net, .org, .info and .biz) or to search for an available name*
To access the WhoIS registration search for Australian domain names, **** please click here *****. The .AU WHOIS lookup feature will open in a popup search window
To look up current registration licence details of a particular domain name, please enter it in the WHOIS search box below, select the correct extension and click on the "GO" button
WHOIS search queries for Australian domains -,,,,, and - will enable you to find the following information:
Please note that WHOIS queries on .au domain names will not reveal information such as the creation or expiry dates for the website address or find the registrant's Australian telephone, fax or postal address details.
WHOIS lookup queries for .com, .net, .org, .info, and .biz domains will reveal all of the above, plus domain name registration and expiry dates, the registrant's telephone, fax and postal address details; except in the case of private registration - a featured offered by some registration services. In that situation, the contact details of the registrar may display in place of the actual registrant in the WHOIS query results. If you wish to contact the registrant, you will need to do so through the registrar; but there are no guarantees your enquiry may be passed on.
*Note: we offer a faster and more accurate way to search for an available Australian name than this WHOIS application - search available domain names here. You'll also be able to register a website address if you choose to as part of the process.
If you are using the WHOIS application above to find out if a website address is available:
For .com, .net, .org, .info, and .biz records, wording to the effect of "no match" or "failure to locate record" will display in instances where a domain name is available. You may need to scroll down the search results to locate this wording. If the website address is available, you can then register it our domain registration page. However, it is simpler and faster to run a domain name search directly from our registration page.
When using the WHOIS application to check availability of,,,, and domain names, an available Australian name will display in the WHOIS query results as "No Data Found". Assuming you meet the .au eligibility criteria for registering that Australian domain, you will then be able to go to our domain name registration page to register the website address. Again, it's simpler and much quicker to go directly to our registration page to start your search for an available domain name.
Related: Pick up some tips and review guidelines and other information on choosing an Internet domain name.